3008 State Rte 5 suites B & C Cortland, OH 44410

Seminars Held at 3008 State Route 5 Suites B & C  Cortland OH  44410

Changes to Medicare for 2025

Beth Piper Insurance 3008 State Route 5 ste B September 12 @ 1pm

Changes to Medicare for 2025

FREE Educational Event! Cortland Opera House
152 Park Ave. Cortland September 24 @ 6pm

Getting Started on Medicare

FREE Educational Event!

Educational Seminars are a stress free way to learn about Medicare: 

→How it works

→Who qualifies

→How to get started

→What your options are in general

→What you should consider when choosing your Medicare plan.

There is no selling at these seminars, but you may schedule and appointment to complete a full Medicare review and assistance.  

There are no cost or obligation for these seminars, nor my services.